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Getting to Athens

Driving directions via Google Maps

Drive Time to Athens*

Chicago: 7.5 hours
Cincinnati: 3 hours
Cleveland: 3.5 hours
Columbus: 1.5 hours
Detroit: 5 hours
Indianapolis: 4 hours
New York: 9 hours
Pittsburgh: 3.5 hours
Toledo: 4 hours
Washington, D.C.: 6 hours

*All times approximate to the nearest 1/2 hour. Please consult a map or driving directions system for actual times, and note that times may vary according to speed, traffic and/or weather conditions.

Road conditions in Ohio

Local accommodations

Parking on campus

Campus maps


Serving OHIO visitors, students, staff, and faculty

The GoBus intercity bus service is a collaborative effort between the Ohio Department of Transportation, the City of Athens, and the Hocking Athens Perry Community Action. The GoBus is a public bus service that runs twice daily, serving Athens, Columbus, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Marietta, Parkersburg, Van Wert, Wooster, and communities in between. The GoBus operates seven days a week, year-round, and prices range from about $8 to $35 (before tax) for a one-way ticket.

Learn more about GoBus

Lakefront Lines

Serving OHIO visitors, students, staff, and faculty

Lakefront Lines is a Cleveland-based busing service that offers daily service departing from campus and arriving to various locations throughout Ohio. Passengers may transfer to another Lakefront bus to travel to Buffalo, New York; Erie, Pennsylvania; Chicago, Illinois; Charleston, West Virginia; South Bend, Indiana; and Louisville, Kentucky.

Learn more about Lakefront Lines

John Glenn Columbus International Airport

Serving OHIO visitors, students, staff, and faculty

John Glenn Columbus International Airport services multiple airlines across three concourses and provides flight service to more than 150 destinations around the United States. More information about flight destinations and scheduling is available by calling 614.239.4000.

Learn more about John Glenn Columbus International Airport

Getting Around in Athens

Athens Public Transit and Bobcat Pass

Serving OHIO visitors, students, staff, and faculty

Athens Public Transit is a public bus service with routes throughout Athens. The Bobcat Pass program provides unlimited travel on the Athens Public Transit (APT) system with a valid Ohio University ID. For visitors, fares are $1 per one-way ride ($0.50 for elderly and disabled), and all buses are wheelchair accessible. Call 740.592.2727 for more information.

Learn more about Athens Public Transit


Serving individuals with mobility limitations

CATCAB is a free service designed to serve people with temporary or permanent disabilities that would otherwise make crossing campus difficult. Proper documentation is required to be on file before you are permitted to use this service. For more information, call 740.593.1702.

Learn more about CatCab


Serving ZipCar members

The ZipCar car sharing service allows students to rent a car by the hour or the day. Students under 21 years of age can apply for membership through Ohio University. Anyone 21 and older can apply directly through ZipCar. Contact customer service at 866-4ZIPCAR.

Learn more about ZipCar