Office of the University Registrar announces class permission slips are going paperless

Beginning Monday, Feb. 18, the class permission (“green slip”) process is available online for all students. Summer semester 2019 is the first semester students will be able to initiate a permission request online through their My OHIO Student Center.

The instructor will be notified to approve or deny the request and if approved, the student will finalize their registration using their My OHIO Student Center. In some colleges and departments, the approval process will be managed centrally.

Students are expected to register themselves for classes, but will use the permission request process when there is some reason they cannot register without additional permission, such as instructor permission being required or the student not meeting requisites and has an exceptional reason to register for the class.

The new process will not compromise existing standards. For example, it will not bypass waitlists or a hold on a student’s account, but will provide a streamlined process for students, faculty and departments.

“I’m really excited to offer this new service to our students and faculty members,” said Bob Bulow, associate registrar for technology and communication. “The benefits are obvious for the students, faculty and staff in our online programs and for those people who are involved in study abroad, internships or other things that make it impossible for them to get a paper form signed and turned in at a campus location. However, we certainly hope everyone, regardless of location, benefits from this improved, paperless process.”

Additional information about the class permission process, including how-to videos and FAQs, is available on the Office of the University Registrar website.

February 14, 2019
Office of the Registrar