White House Senior Adviser for Rural Affairs visits OHIO
Ben Siegel
Cinematographer Matt Love (right) talks with Anne Hazlett, Sr. Adviser For Rural Affairs, about the virtual realty Narcan treatment they helped develop at the GRID Lab in the Scripps College of Communication at Ohio University.
Anne Hazlett, Senior Advisor for Rural Affairs at the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, visited Ohio University's Athens Campus on Friday, Jan. 24, to learn about OHIO's efforts to combat substance misuse.
Hazlett's first stop was OHIO's Game Research and Immersive Design Lab (GRID Lab), where she viewed a virtual reality (VR) segment focusing on administering NARCAN in the case of an overdose.
Afterwards, Hazlett met with community officials and several faculty and staff from around the University, including those from the College of Health Sciences and Professions, the School of Nursing, and the Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs.
Anne Hazlett views a virtual NARCAN treatment developed in the Scripps College of Communication. Photo: Ben Siegel
Anne Hazlett with Ohio University President M. Duane Nellis during a visit the Athens Campus. Photo: Ben Siegel
Anne Hazlett spoke with OHIO faculty and staff and community members during her visit to OHIO's Athens Campus. Photo: Eli Burris