Retirements: Dinty Moore keeps on writing, leaves undeniable impact on students

Dinty W. Moore may have retired from Ohio University in May, but keep an eye out for two more books forthcoming this year.
That’s on top of five books and two co-edited collections he’s already published.
Moore joined the Ohio University faculty in 2007 and a year later took over as the director of creative writing in the English Department.
Moore’s love for his students and teaching is undeniable. Ask any student, past or present, about their experiences with Moore, and they will resonate that truth.
“Each class I teach, whether undergraduate or graduate students, presents memorable teaching moments,” he says. “It is gratifying to the highest degree when former students come back to see me having published books of their own. This is happening now with some of my former undergraduates, and all along my graduate students have been publishing and winning awards. Our creative writing program is a very fertile field, and I love being one of the farmhands.”
Kelly Sundberg calls Moore the best mentor that she could have asked for during her time pursuing her Ph.D. at OHIO.
“I went from having a few published essays to an entire body of work, including a published memoir. He was the first reader of everything that I wrote during that time, and his feedback helped invaluably, but he didn’t just help me with my writing. He taught me the ins and outs of publishing, advised me on my academic job search, and with his help, I landed a tenure-track job after graduation,” Sundberg says.