Support for OHIO students with disabilities available amid pandemic

Ohio University students with disabilities still have resources and support systems available to them as they work on their education amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ohio University partnered with Opportunities for Ohioans for Disabilities (OOD) and the Ohio Department of Higher Education in October 2019 to launch the Ohio College2Careers (Ohio C2C) program. It is designed specifically to assist students with disabilities and make sure they have the support they need to complete their degree, as well as meet the demands of tomorrow’s labor market.
During COVID-19, OHIO’s Ohio C2C Counselor, Hanna Jadwisienczak, Ph.D., has been supporting students virtually, including coordinating mock interviews, linking to virtual job interviews, and connecting to essential employment opportunities.
“I think the higher education initiative is a great opportunity to support and encourage students to take full advantage of their potential and help them establish or shape career plans. I am excited at the prospect of having a hand in it. Our program offers services that are identified and tailored toward unique needs of students so that they can complete their degrees and find employment,” Jadwisienczak said.
The program not only benefits students ready to graduate, but also for any in planning stages. Students are encouraged to reach out at any point during their education to find resources and assistance that works for them.
“Even if students are just starting at OHIO, and whether or not they have already selected a major, it is never too early to start connecting with resources that can help prepare for successful employment,” OHIO Director of Student Accessibility Services Christina Jenkins said. “Hanna can work with students with disabilities to provide support for completing their degree, identifying internship opportunities, and preparing students for permanent employment.”
As an Ohio C2C counselor, Jadwisienczak provides additional supports such as connections to an expansive employer partner network, career exploration and counseling, help navigating OhioMeansJobs, assistive technology, resume and interview preparation, and internships, job accommodations and permanent employment help.
“It has been very encouraging already to see the impact of our services on students while helping them secure professional internships, explore career options, provide assistive technology, or secure employment,” Jadwisienczak said. “I believe the College2Careers program is a great asset to OHIO students with disabilities.”
Jadwisienczak serves the Athens campus and students can reach out to her at Hanna.Jadwisienczak@ood.ohio.gov or 740-517-0559 for more information.
Any individual with a disability, including on OHIO’s regional campuses, may also be eligible for OOD services. OOD serves individuals with physical, intellectual, and sensory disabilities as well as mental health disabilities. For more information about OOD and its services, visit ood.ohio.gov.