Meet IHS adjunct facaulty member Karl Federspiel

April 27, 2021
Meet IHS adjunct faculty Karl Federspiel. Karl has been teaching CHSP's popular junior composition course, IHS 3700J, for several years. Karl also serves as an Academic Retention Specialist in the Academic Achievement Center.
How does your past or current professional life impact the way you teach IHS courses, and vice versa?
I bring to IHS a rich teaching history in the subject of writing, most notably in the Fresno State Department of English, where I taught all subject levels as well as being a member of their Student Writing Center staff. With that, I have a wealth of experience with the writing process that I can share with my students. My goal is not only to make them better writers to satisfy the course requirements but to take these tools with them in their respective professional lives.
What activities do you enjoy outside of work?
I have a daughter who is a high school student-athlete, so I am very involved in youth sports. I am a voluminous reader, so naturally, I like collecting books, especially those vintage copies that are out of print. Other than that, I dabble in Tex-Mex cooking, mentally train to be on the show "Survivor," and perform repetitive yard work as per the season of the year.
What are some words of wisdom you would like to share with your students?
I learned long ago that both attitude and preparation go hand-in-hand in your academic and professional success. With both of these working together, the sky is the limit on what you can accomplish.