Applications available for Women Leading OHIO program

An early-career faculty and staff development program titled Women Leading OHIO will begin in the fall and is currently open for applications.
Women’s Center Director Dr. M. Geneva Murray said the program will take place virtually on Fridays from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. from October until April. While the program will be held virtually, there will be opportunities for in-person engagement available to Athens participants.
Applications are due on Aug. 27. The program is available to anyone regardless of gender. There is an application on the website that interested people can fill out. Murray said people are encouraged to nominate others whom they think would benefit from the program.
“We prioritize people who are in the early stages of their career,” Murray said. “However, the program has also been beneficial to those who have made or wanted to make career changes within higher education.”
COVID Operations Epidemiologist Dr. Maria Modayil said the program helped her to hear different perspectives and be part of a community of women with the goal of growing and learning in the OHIO community.
“The community of women helped me regain my confidence and muster the courage to apply for a job during the pandemic and be successful at obtaining it,” Modayil said.
Mackenzie Kucharsky, who serves as event coordinator for the Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Service, learned about the program through a colleague who helped by nominating her. She said the program helped her to grow her network and meet leaders at OHIO.
“I discovered my five signature strengths via the Clifton Strengths assessment and how to utilize my strengths in my work, as well as identify my mission and vision statement, my professional brand and my personal board of directors,” Kucharsky said.
Assistant Psychology Professor Dr. Lindsay Dhanani met Murray through another committee on campus and decided to apply for Women Leading OHIO.
“Women Leading OHIO is important because it helps cultivate critical leadership skills while also integrating people into the campus community,” Dhanani said.
For more information, visit the Women Leading OHIO website.