F45 Training now available at Ping Center

If you’re looking for a high-intensity workout with everyday activities, the new F45 Training program at the Charles Ping Center for Ohio University students might be just thing to make you sweat.
Developed in Australia, F45 Training combines elements of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), Circuit Training, and Functional Training. The fusion of these three training concepts has led to the development of 27 different 45-minute workout experiences, with more in development. This combination of interval, cardiovascular and strength training has been proven to be the most effective workout method for burning fat and building lean muscle.
Ohio University began construction on its F45 Training center in 2020, including screens to watch demonstrations of the activities as you follow along with your in-person trainer. Originally planned to open in the fall of 2020, it was delayed because of COVID restrictions and finally opened in the fall of 2021.
“There are no mirrors in the studio because it really promotes a body-positive and team-oriented focus. So, you shouldn’t be looking at yourself in the mirror when you’re working out,” said Tony Gregory, assistant director of well-being and fitness.
Gregory said that a lot of the training is functional movement, which means it’s based on movement that you do every day in real life activities.
“One of the neat things about the program is no workout is ever the same. There are 27 different workouts in their program and the company continues to rollout new workouts. Even if a student had done that workout once they would never do that workout again because they would change up the exercises,” Gregory said.
Classes can take up to 27 participants, plus instructor, with about nine stations per workout. There are about 20 classes offered each week. The Hollywood Workout, available on Saturdays only, offers 27 stations with two instructors. Participation requires a membership ($50 per semester for unlimited classes), and a free trial will be offered at the end of finals week.
Classes are offered in the Ping Center and memberships are available. For more questions or assistance, contact Gregory at gregorya1@ohio.edu, or call 740-593-9918.