Ohio University Procurement Technical Assistance Center has another record breaking year

The Ohio University Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC), a program of the Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs, had another record-breaking year in 2020, with more than $1.4 billion worth of contracts awarded to its clients. 


In fiscal year 2019, PTAC awarded $952,914,957 worth of contracts – meaning 2020’s award total of $1,429,813,034 represented an increase of more than 50 percent over the previous year.


PTAC helped create and retain about 28,732 jobs, with the median salary for workers of $49,764 published in the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in the 2020 fiscal year.


“I think there were a number of things that helped,” Sharon Hopkins, director of PTAC, said. “I don’t think you can point to any one thing that caused it.”


In the 20 years since the PTAC program has been at Ohio University, its yearly contracted awards total has increased.


Hopkins said she hadn’t expected the amount to increase so drastically during the coronavirus pandemic, but factors related to the pandemic could have played a role. For example, with less private spending during the lockdown, government spending increased, resulting in more possible contracts for partners seeking PTAC assistance, she said. 


In addition, more businesses reached out to PTAC, with an active client base of 1,330 in fiscal year 2020 compared to 738 active clients in fiscal year 2019. 


In 2020, PTAC added seven more counties to its client base for a total of 62. Hopkins’s staff also increased from six to 10 full-time workers and one part-time employee. 


“I have a very qualified, experienced staff. That really makes a difference, too, when you have people that know what they’re doing with contracting and can be really useful in helping a business,” Hopkins said. 


Hopkins isn’t sure if PTAC will have another record-breaking year, because she is uncertain if COVID-related factors will continue. However, she does expect PTAC to help clients connect with another billion dollar amount of contracts. 

October 25, 2021
Emily Crebs