Social media certificate student: Amy Szmik

What OHIO organizations are you a part of and what are your roles in each?
I am the PR chief of Thread Magazine, where I run socials and work with a team to create content on Instagram and TikTok. I write and model for Thread as well.
I am a copyeditor for All Campus Radio Network (ACRN) where I copy edit all the articles before they go onto our site. I also write for ACRN.
I am the Instagram manager for Her Campus at Ohio University, where I make cute Instagram posts, usually fun posts that put people in a good mood. I occasionally write for Her Campus but haven’t in a while.
I am a member of the Asian American Pacific Islander Student Union, and I also post graphics on Twitter.
I am part of Women in the Music Industry (WIMI).
What social media channels do you run?
Instagram: Thread Magazine; Her Campus at Ohio U; the J. Warren McClure School of Emerging Communication Technologies
Twitter: Asian American Pacific Islander Student Union
TikTok: The School of Media Arts and Studies; Thread Magazine
Any current projects you are working on?
I am working on an Instagram project for my social media capstone, where I’ll be getting the perspectives from Asian American and Pacific Islander students on campus and how their identity is important to them.
Have you experienced any networking trips through OHIO or study abroad programs?
Yes! I went to the South by Southwest Course offered by Ohio University in Austin, Texas this past spring, which was such an incredible experience. I met so many people, and I even contacted some of them for projects for classes or organizations. I also will keep in touch with them too! It was just such an incredible experience overall. I definitely recommend it because you literally do not know who you will meet there.
I also went to the Nelsonville Music Festival through the media school which was such a cool experience. I was part of the Artist Relations team where I got to interview and talk to the artists and write up stories for the performances on WOUB!
How do you think the social media certificate will help you?
I think this certificate has given me a lot of knowledge on how to actually run social media and analyze content and data from posts. I am going into PR, so this is something I absolutely need and these classes I have been a part of have given me the chance to really understand social media as a tool for my career. I used to only create personal social media posts, but now I understand it much more thanks to this certificate!
What are your goals after college?
I would love to move out west to Los Angeles and pursue a career either at a PR firm or in the music/entertainment industry doing PR, digital marketing and social media for a company in that field. I definitely am hoping to move soon, and also I want to travel and just get to visit the world. I would love to go back to China, since I was adopted from there. It would be such an impactful trip; I am hoping I will get to do soon after graduation.
Any advice for undergrads pursuing the same degree/certificate program?
Definitely get involved as much as you can, but don’t spread yourself too thin. Get involved in something you care about and are passionate about, whether it’s a club or org, anything really. Also take advantage of all the resources that this school provides, because honestly it’s crazy just how many opportunities for your career are offered here. I would also say to definitely try a study abroad or global program. It gives you such a cool experience in the real world and you meet so many amazing people. Finally, get to know your professors and I know everyone says that but honestly, I have gotten to know some professors here who I really love conversing with. They’re here to help you, but also it helps build a genuine connection beyond networking. It’s just great to know the people who are teaching and supporting you during your college career!