OHIO Lancaster campus transitions leadership

Jarrod Tudor, Ohio University Lancaster dean of campus and community relations, has announced that he will be leaving Ohio University on April 21.
“I would like to personally thank Jarrod for his leadership of the campus in a period of significant changes, and to recognize his work in advancing OHIO Lancaster’s relationships with the community in a short amount of time,” said Lewatis McNeal, vice provost for regional higher education and partnerships.
McNeal will serve as interim dean of campus and community relations for the Lancaster Campus. The University is developing a transition plan, and additional information will be shared at a later point.
“Dean Tudor helped to strengthen relationships with stakeholders throughout the region. He also collaborated on key initiatives, such as the Fairfield Workforce Development Center and ASCENT partnership for Intel,” said Elizabeth Sayrs, executive vice president and provost.
Ohio University campuses and the community are invited to a farewell reception for Tudor on Friday, April 21, from 4 – 6 p.m. in the Wilkes Art Gallery on the Lancaster campus.