Ohio University Board of Trustees to review renewal strategy for College of Fine Arts’ facilities, receive update on the space optimization initiative during June meetings

The Ohio University Board of Trustees will receive an in-depth look at the College of Fine Arts’ strategy for its facilities and new green – a vision that is intended to enhance the student experience and prioritize student-centric spaces that foster increased opportunities for creative and interdisciplinary collaboration –during meetings June 15-16 on the Athens campus.
Vice President for Enrollment Management Candace J. Boeninger will also provide a brief update on new incoming student enrollment projections for fall 2023, which currently are trending slightly ahead of 2022.
The Board will also review several new health and workforce development-focused certificate offerings that will help prepare students to serve in a variety of growing professional fields.
Additionally, the Board will receive an update from Vice President for Student Affairs Dr. Lyn Redington regarding the Division of Student Affair’s recent accomplishments and how the portfolio of student-focused resources and support offerings are positively impacting OHIO.
The Board will meet from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday, June 15, and from 9:30 until 11:30 a.m. Friday, June 16, in Walter Hall 104 on the Athens Campus.
Highlighted items on the Board agenda, listed in the anticipated order of occurrence, include:
Research/R1 Spotlight
Academics and Student Success Committee, 10:30 a.m. Thursday, June 15, Walter Hall 104
Executive Vice President and Provost Elizabeth Sayrs and Dean of the Graduate College and Interim Vice President for Research David Koonce will highlight OHIO’s Carnegie Research One (R1) classification, what it is, how it was obtained and how OHIO compares to other research universities.
They will present a summary of the rationale and methodology for ranking universities and how Ohio University achieved this distinction. The Board will also hear next steps identified by the Provost’s Carnegie Task Force on how to support OHIO’s R1 status.
College of Fine Arts’ Facilities renewal strategy
Resources, Facilities, and Affordability Committee, 2 p.m. Thursday, June 15, Walter Hall 104
The Board will receive an in-depth look at the strategy for the future of the College of Fine Arts’ facilities and consider a resolution that would approve up to $14 million for the design phase of this effort.
The presentation will showcase this ambitious facilities renewal strategy, which includes a combination of renovation, relocation and new construction, and how it can transform arts education at OHIO and enable the arts to have a greater impact across campus, the community and the surrounding region.
This forward-looking strategy will enable the college to better prioritize student-centric spaces that allow for more creative collaboration by co-locating the schools and organizations into new and renovated buildings that provide purpose-driven spaces with new features important to develop the skills needed in the arts.
The total projected project cost is $94.2 million, with $50 million allocated from the Violet Patton estate and $36 million currently allocated from Century Bond and State Capital. This strategy also allows the University to divest of Kantner Hall and Central Classroom Building, resulting in savings of utility and maintenance costs and offsetting significant deferred maintenance.
Capital projects
Resources, Facilities, and Affordability Committee, 2 p.m. Thursday, June 15, Walter Hall 104
In addition to the College of Fine Arts renewal strategy, the Board will consider several new capital projects, including:
Bush Airport Apron Rehabilitation: The Board will consider approval to reconstruct and strengthen the pavement for heavier aircraft, correct surface drainage issues to extend the life of the pavement, and remark runaways to restore visibility. This $3.17 million project is funded by external grant funding, institutional reserves and departmental funding.
Washington Hall Student Rooms Flooring and Cabinetry Update: The Board will consider approval to replace the cabinetry and flooring in the student rooms in Washington Hall. This $2.1 million project is funded by housing department reserves.
Gamertsfelder Student Room Flooring Update: The Board will consider approval to replace the flooring in the student rooms in Gamertsfelder Hall. This $1.2 million project is funded by housing department reserves.
Walter Hall 235 Classroom Renovation: The Board will consider approval to renovate the Walter Hall 235 classroom to transform this traditional lecture hall into an active learning classroom by removing the existing tiers, upgrading room finishes and installing flexible furniture that will aid in collaborative learning experiences. This $550,000 project is funded by central University funding designated for classroom improvements.
Main Switchyard and Lausche Plant Control Battery Bank: The Board will consider approval to remove the current battery banks used for control power of two major substations on campus and replace them with a centralized system located adjacent to the West Green Chilled Water Plant. This $512K project is funded by residual century bond Energy Infrastructure Projects funding.
Campus Space Optimization Initiative
Resources, Facilities, and Affordability Committee, 2 p.m. Thursday, June 15, Walter Hall 104
Vice President for Finance and Administration and CFO and Treasurer Mark Heil and Associate Vice President for University Planning Shawna Wolfe will present an update on the Campus Space Optimization Initiative and where the University is in the process.
They will explain how the initiative is aimed at developing an enterprise space model that looks at space across all OHIO campuses to see how space can be leveraged to meet the University’s needs in a flexible, transparent and financially responsible manner.
Designation of specific buildings and areas of The Ridges as surplus property
Resources, Facilities, and Affordability Committee, 2 p.m. Thursday, June 15, Walter Hall 104
The Board will review a resolution that seeks approval to designate certain historic buildings and limited areas of land at The Ridges campus as surplus, to allow for the sale to the Ridges Community Development LLC. This includes the buildings which make up the west-facing portion of the main building allowing for the development group to begin the rehabilitation of these buildings into senior housing with wrap-around services. The sale will require that all property be part of the Ridges New Community Authority and must include deed restrictions as determined by Ohio University.
The resolution also seeks the establishment of a conservation easement on the majority of the Ridges land in order to restrict and limit new development and to protect the current uses of the land. Of the 700-acres at The Ridges, approximately 77% of the acreage will be placed under the conservation easement with a little less than 25-acres being transferred for development.
Finally, the resolution also seeks approval for the creation of a condominium association to preserve the character of the historic campus and to ensure Ohio University’s ongoing entitlements and privileges in this area.
This progress is the product of multiple community conversations regarding the future of The Ridges and collaborative conversations that have focused on ways to best preserve its historical buildings and the land – the main goal of The Ridges Framework Plan which was approved in 2015.
Resolution to designate surplus property on OHIO’s Eastern campus
Resources, Facilities, and Affordability Committee, 2 p.m. Thursday, June 15, Walter Hall 104
The Board will review a resolution seeking approval to designate the Health and Physical Education Center (HAPEC) and the Science and Engineering Building, and related parking areas and access road on the Ohio University Eastern campus as surplus property. If approved, the location’s surplus designation would allow the University to explore the sale of property.
The full Board of Trustees agenda is available here. The June 15 committee meetings will be streamed at this link. The June 16 meetings will be streamed at this link.