International Education Week to highlight 50th anniversary of Chubu University partnership, importance of global education

Bridging past achievements and future connections, Ohio University continues to cement its commitment to global education by celebrating a special milestone during International Education Week (IEW): five decades of an enriching partnership with Chubu University.
“The importance of global education cannot be overstated,” said Gillian Ice, interim associate provost for Global Affairs. “The world is increasingly interconnected; global perspectives equip our students for success in their futures, whether they’re serving local communities or working abroad. Ohio University celebrates International Education Week to highlight our university’s international academic excellence and vibrant global community. This year’s celebration is in a class of its own, as OHIO is celebrating 50 years of partnership with Chubu University in Kasugai, Japan.”
The University will host a suite of events and activities Nov. 13-17 to mark both the annual IEW celebration and the 50th remembrance of the Chubu partnership. Coordinated by the Office of Global Affairs, International Education Week boasts opportunities for students, faculty, staff, alumni and the OHIO community worldwide to focus on global and international areas of interest.
Delegates from Chubu, led by President Yoshimi Takeuchi, will visit the Athens campus to celebrate the 50-year partnership. They will join the IEW Gala on Monday, Nov. 13, and meet with President Gonzalez and Provost Sayrs on Wednesday, Nov. 15. At that meeting, both Universities will sign a renewal Memorandum of Understanding and dedicate a gift of 50 new cherry trees, donated in honor of Chairman Emeritus Atsuo Iiyoshi, who received an OHIO Honorary Doctor of Science at the Spring 2023 commencement. In addition, the Chubu delegates will be present as OHIO breaks ground on a new Japanese Pavilion across from the Convocation Center in the cherry tree grove.
The cherry trees planted on Athens’ West Green by the Hocking River were gifted in 1979, 2003 and 2023. The continuing partnership with Chubu University began 50 years ago via faculty exchanges, and has grown to include study away, exchange programs and graduate study at Chubu. Alden Library houses the Chubu University Japanese Collection, and Yamada International House (home of the Office of Global Affairs, Center for International Studies, and International Student and Scholar Services) was renovated with a gift from Chubu and named for their former president in 2004.
Select events for International Education Week include:
- Saturday, Nov. 4
- 5:30 p.m., Baker Ballroom - International Dinner, hosted by ISU: Cultural Fusion; One Plate, Many Stories. Celebrate the cultural diversity international students bring to the OHIO campus. The dinner has food from all over the world prepared by ISU's member organizations and features special student performances. Tickets are $15 each.
- Thursday, Nov. 9
- 6 p.m., location TBD - Jollof Festival, hosted by the Division of Diversity and Inclusion. A night of tasting different jollof rice meals from different countries.
- Monday, Nov. 13
- Baker 3rd Floor Atrium - Sand Mandala Construction. Six Buddhist monks from Tashi Kyil Monastery in Dehra Dun, India, will begin painting their “World Peace Mandala” in colored sand on the floor before ritually destroying it on the Nov. 15 to educate the public about the culture and Buddhist religion of Tibet. Sponsored by the Friends of India.
- Noon-4 p.m., Baker 235 - Social Justice Workshop featuring Peter Ojiambo.
- 5 p.m., Ohio University Inn - IEW Gala, celebrating the excellence and dynamic impact of global education between OHIO and collaborators around the globe. Highlighting the legacy of OHIO’s 50th anniversary of partnership with Chubu.
- Tuesday, Nov. 14
- 6 p.m., Jefferson Hall 160 - International Conversation Hour. Join as an English language conversation partner and meet new global friends. (Takes place every Tuesday, join anytime!)
- 7 p.m., Living Learning Center - The Outlet is hosted by Housing and Residence Life as a bi-weekly affinity group for our Black, Indigenous, and people of color, creating a safe space for students to come together and build a community.
- Wednesday, Nov. 15
- 3 p.m., Cherry Trees - Dedication at the Cherry Tree Grove with Chubu
- 6 p.m., Alden Library, 1st Floor - Film Screening and Presentation. Join Jeff Shane in the International Collections for a special screening of “TITLE” and short presentation of the project.
- 7 p.m., Peden Stadium - Special recognition of Chubu University at halftime on the Frank Solich Field during the final OHIO Home Football Game against Central Michigan.
- 7:30 p.m., Microsoft Teams - Food In Sicily Information Session.
- Thursday, Nov. 16
- 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Baker - International Partnership Workshop. Faculty are invited to learn essential knowledge and strategies for initiating academic partnerships with institutions worldwide.
- 3 p.m., Konneker - Global Tastes and Alumni Insights: An Open House to warmly welcome international students to our university’s vibrant alumni community, allowing students to connect and learn more about the Alumni Association during IEW.
- Friday, Nov. 17
- 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Baker 231 - IEW Student Global Research Symposium: Rapid Presentation Thesis Competition. Students at all academic levels are invited to present their internationally focused research or creative activity through a Rapid Presentation Thesis Competition. Sign up to participate by Oct. 30. (Faculty and staff who are interested in judging may email globalaffairs@ohio.edu.)
- 11:50 a.m., Porter 104 - Plant Biology Colloquium, “What Evolutionary Processes Drive Species and Morphological Diversification in Plants?”
- 12:55 p.m., Gordy 313 - Linguistics Colloquium, “Extramural English in a Danish Context: Use and Learning.
- 3 p.m., Alden 319 - "International Environmental Research: Applying Lessons from Ohio and Ohio University." Join Voinovich students for a roundtable to discuss environmental issues in Ohio as they relate to other parts of the world.
- 7-9 p.m., location TBD - NAICCO event for Indigenous American Heritage Month, hosted by the Division of Diversity & Inclusion.
Learn more about International Education Week and find a comprehensive list of events at ohio.edu/iew.
OHIO units, departments, and colleges across campus are invited to add their own events that focus on international and global topics, such as guest lectures or networking events. Email globalaffairs@ohio.edu with any questions or to ensure your IEW event is included on the calendar.
International Education Week (IEW) is an annual initiative each November by the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education, and an opportunity to celebrate the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide.