Tickets now available for annual MLK Jr. Celebratory Brunch on Jan. 15, 2024

Each year, Ohio University celebrates the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. throughout January. The annual week-long celebration honors the life and legacy of Dr. King throughout OHIO and our regional communities with events and programs to highlight social justice and equality. The 2024 celebration, hosted by the Division of Diversity and Inclusion, aims to embody the theme: “King’s Dream, Our Work.”
“Over 50 years after Dr. King’s assassination, our society continues to work toward realizing his dream,” said Interim Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion Dr. Russell Morrow. “As we navigate current local, national, and global sociopolitical climates, his vision, wisdom, and advice remain both relevant and necessary. We are excited to bring our community together to honor Dr. King’s legacy and to make strides towards creating a world that would make him proud.”
Brunch tickets now on sale
The annual MLK Jr. Celebratory brunch serves as a kick-off to a week of celebration, events, and programming to commemorate the life and work of Dr. King. The brunch will take place on Jan. 15, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. in the Baker University Center Ballroom.
The morning will begin with a silent march at 10:30 a.m. to recognize Dr. King, with the brunch celebration to follow.
Participants will then gather in Baker Ballroom for food, performances, speakers, and community to celebrate the life of Dr. King.
The keynote address will be delivered by two-time OHIO alumna Tiffany Bowden, M.A., Ph.D.
Dr. Bowden is an anti-racism educator and diversity and communication specialist with over 20 years of experience. She holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree from the Scripps College of Communication, specializing in cultural studies and advertising management.
A Ted X speaker on diversity and inclusion, she is a recipient of the Top 5 People’s Choice Award. In addition, Bowden has published academic works on the intersection of gender, identity, and ethnicity, and been featured in works such as the Washington Post, CNN, and more.
Ticket information
Individual brunch tickets are $10 for students and $30 for non-students. Table sponsorships are $180 for student organizations and $500 for non-students, community organizations, and University departments. A full table seats eight guests.
All departmental and organizational sponsorships can be purchased using a departmental account number through Pat Bungard, bungard@ohio.edu, or diversityinclusion@ohio.edu.
All other tickets can be purchased online at this website.
Additional events and details regarding the 2024 MLK Jr. Celebration can be found here: ohio.edu/diversity/history-and-heritage-programming/dr-mlk-jr-celebration.