University Libraries’ John Canter to join OhioLINK cohort

Ohio University Libraries’ John Canter, subject librarian for the physical sciences and mathematics, will participate in the OhioLINK cohort to become an Open Educational Resources (OER) specialist librarian through the Open Education Network (OEN). The program is eight months long and Canter will be joining eight other OhioLINK member institution librarians. The purpose of the cohort is to prepare participating members to serve as advocates for high quality and openly accessible educational resources.
Canter and his colleagues have been working with OER and affordable learning for many years, specifically, working mainly with engineering and mathematic faculty. He wrote in an email that as textbook prices continue to increase exponentially, it’s important for University Libraries to advocate for the use of OER in the classroom.
“The first step is to work with faculty to identify potential open textbook alternatives and other Open Access (OA) resources for their students,” Canter said. “The last phase of this program is for the cohort to work together to form an action plan for our institutions and the state.”
Canter mentioned that completing the certificate program will allow him to develop a comprehensive action plan and tool kit, in consultation with other librarians, for all disciplines at OHIO. He also said that his passion for OER and affordable learning comes from his experience as a first-generation Appalachian, an undergraduate student at OHIO who struggled to purchase textbooks.
“Those struggles still occur for students today, and studies show that when students have immediate access to required textbooks they are more successful,” Canter added. “I'm excited to begin this program and continue to advocate for OER at Ohio University to support student success."