Revitalization of Bentley, Morton Hall student learning spaces, Campus Space Optimization updates highlight Ohio University Board of Trustees’ January meeting agenda

The Ohio University Board of Trustees will consider the approval of a phased renewal plan for student learning spaces located within two of OHIO’s most highly utilized buildings and receive an update on the Campus Space Optimization initiative during meetings on Thursday, Jan. 18, and Friday, Jan. 19, on the Athens campus.
Committee meetings will begin at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 18, and at 9 a.m. on Friday, Jan. 19, in Walter Hall 104 on the Athens Campus. The complete schedule and agenda for the January meeting, as well as links to livestreams for both days is available online at ohio.edu/trustees.
Highlighted items on the Board agenda, listed in the anticipated order of occurrence, include:
Faculty spotlight presentation
Academics and Student Success Committee, 1:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 18, Walter Hall 104
The Board will receive a faculty spotlight presentation focused on College of Arts and Sciences Professor Katherine Jellison and her research and expertise related to U.S. First Ladies. Dr. Jellison, one of the most-quoted historians in the nation on first ladies and their role in U.S. politics and history, is a professor in the History Department and is a recipient of the 2022 Presidential Research Scholars Award.
In addition to her scholarly accolades, she has been a University Communications and Marketing “Faculty Newsmaker” each year since its inception, making the top 10 list and claiming the top newsmaker honor multiple times. Her expertise is also showcased within OHIO’s Faculty Experts Directory.
Capital projects
Resources, Facilities, and Affordability Committee, 3 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 18, Walter Hall 104
The Board will consider several new capital projects, including:
- Bentley and Morton Halls Learning Space Upgrades Phase I – The Board will consider approval to develop a phased renewal plan for the renovation of learning spaces in Bentley and Morton Halls. The upgrades are intended to enhance the quality of OHIO’s academic and student experiences within two of the most highly utilized learning spaces on the Athens Campus. This $1.9 million project is anticipated to be funded by classroom improvement funds.
- Ohio University Eastern’s Shannon Hall HVAC Improvements – The Board will consider approval to update the HVAC system throughout Shannon Hall and replace impacted ceiling and lighting in defined areas. This $3.42 million project is anticipated to be funded by state capital appropriations.
- Memorial Auditorium Chilled Water Tie-In and Lighting Controls Upgrades – The Board will consider approval to connect Templeton Blackburn Memorial Auditorium to the campus chilled water loop to enable more reliable cooling service in the budling and replace the auditorium lighting fixtures and controls. This $1.7 million project is anticipated to be funded by internal bank financing.
- Lausche Heating Plant Roof Replacement – The Board will consider approval to replace the roof on Lausche Heating Plant and the West Green Chilled Water Plant. This $1.16 million project is anticipated to be funded with Century Bond funding.
Campus Space Optimization Initiative update
Resources, Facilities, and Affordability Committee, 3 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 18, Walter Hall 104
The Board will receive an update from Interim Vice President for Finance & Administration and CFO John Day on the Campus Space Optimization Initiative. Day will share the next steps in the initiative, which will focus on the establishment of governance structures that will be appropriately representative of individuals and units from across the institution, ensure that space opportunities and needs are appropriately integrated and addressed with an institutional perspective, provide opportunities for transparent data-informed decision-making and help prioritize project requests through a University-wide lens.
Since its inception, the Campus Space Optimization Initiative has been focused on enhancing and right-sizing space to ensure that all facilities are serving an intended purpose. Part of the initiative includes rethinking the function of spaces across OHIO’s campuses, providing transparency on the availability and function of spaces, as well as looking at efficient uses and resources of current spaces including the ultimate reduction in the overall facility portfolio.
FY24 Financial forecast
Resources, Facilities, and Affordability Committee, 3 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 18, Walter Hall 104
Day will also present a brief update to the Board on the FY24 financial forecast, focusing on the most significant variances that impact the forecast including net tuition and fees; room and board; compensation; grants and contracts; and debt service. This information and data will continue to evolve as OHIO moves forward in FY24 and continues to gather more detailed information from its planning units.