Honorary Degree Committee now accepting nominations

The Ohio University Honorary Degree Committee invites the University community to submit nominations for candidates to receive honorary degrees.
Honorary Degrees are awarded annually to individuals who have achieved distinction in scholarship, creative activities, professional pursuits, business, government, civic affairs, or particularly in service to Ohio University. Recognition with an Honorary Degree is understood to be a significant honor.
While candidates from any field will be considered, persons who have attained broad recognition in education rank high among potential nominees. Outstanding benefactors of the University or distinguished alumni are also among those to be given special attention. Except under unusual circumstances, no honorary degrees are to be awarded in absentia (e.g. posthumous degrees are not awarded).
Additional details about Honorary Degrees and the process of evaluation, as well as the nomination form, can be found at this page: www.ohio.edu/standing-committees/honorary-degree-committee.
Nomination forms with documentation must be submitted via email to the chair of committee by Friday, March 1, 2024
If you have questions about submissions, you are invited to contact the chair of the committee, Dr. Mick Andzulis, at drmick@ohio.edu.