An update on the search for OHIO’s next executive vice president and provost

Ohio University will bring three candidates for its next executive vice president and provost to campus between March 20-29 for interviews and open forums. The first candidate will be on campus March 20-21, the second March 26-27, and the third March 28-29.
When the details for the open forums are finalized, they will be announced to the University community. All members of the community are invited to attend the open forums in person or virtually.
Last fall, President Lori Stewart Gonzalez announced the search for OHIO’s next executive vice president and provost; the process is still anticipated to complete by the end of spring semester.
The search committee is being led by co-chairs:
- John McCarthy, Dean and Professor of Communication Disorders, College of Health Sciences and Professions
- Sarah Wyatt, Faculty Senate Chair and Professor of Environmental and Plant Biology, College of Arts and Sciences
Elizabeth Sayrs is currently serving as the executive vice president and provost, after being named to the position in March 2020 for a three-year term. A national search for the position was originally planned for the end of the term, in accordance with the Faculty Handbook. However, the pandemic and University leadership transitions resulted in Sayrs’ term being extended through June 2024 in order to provide the University with stability at a crucial time.
For additional information, please see the Executive Vice President and Provost Search webpage.