41st Leadership Awards commend student dedication to OHIO community

The Annual Leadership Awards celebrate student leaders and impactful student organizations at Ohio University. On April 17, more than 40 students and organizations were recognized with awards and scholarships in the Baker University Center Ballroom.
In 1984, Ohio University celebrated the inaugural group of student leaders, beginning the tradition that the University has carried on for more than 40 years. The Division of Student Affairs, in partnership with the Division of Diversity and Inclusion, works to create a selection process each year that is equitable, unbiased and inclusive. The two divisions, together with selection committees and the planning committee, read through hundreds of incredible student stories to recognize those who have made a lasting impact on the University and the community.
University leadership, administrators, faculty and staff were among those in attendance for the awards ceremony, as well as the family, friends and mentors that contributed to the reason the honorees took to the stage that evening.
“We are here tonight to honor the outstanding students and student organizations that carry on these legacies for their steadfast dedication to our community,” Vice President for Student Affairs and Interim Vice President for Advancement and President & CEO of the OHIO Foundation Lyn Redington said in welcoming those in the Ballroom. “It fills me with hope for the future and a profound sense of honor to be among the individuals gathered here tonight.
“Through conversations, relationships, and experiences, OHIO is a community that does the essential work of deepening understanding, fostering inclusion, and bridging divides,” added Interim Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion Russell Morrow, “The students we are honoring tonight have shown countless examples of doing just that.”
Selection committees, comprising faculty members, staff, alumni, and graduate students, reviewed anonymous submissions to identify and honor the most distinguished candidates. The awards are divided into four categories: diversity and allyship, outstanding leadership, service, and student organizations.
“My enduring impact will be rooted in fostering a culture of kindness and inclusivity at OHIO, shaping the university for years to come,” shared the John Newton Templeton and Outstanding Senior Leader recipient Naima Miller in her application. “As I graduate this spring, I envision a campus where the ripple effects of treating people with kindness extend far beyond my time here, creating a university community that thrives on compassion, respect, and inclusion.”
The evening concluded with one of the most anticipated announcements of the night—the selection of OHIO’s new student trustee.
President Lori Gonzalez announced the selection of Pankaj Karna as the next student trustee to represent the student body and serve a two-year term with OHIO’s Board of Trustees. Karna is a physics and astronomy researcher, educator, and U.S. military veteran. His passion for space exploration is driven by the belief that it inspires us to think big and aim higher.
A complete list of winners can be found on the Leadership Awards website.