MyOHIO Success Network (MOSN) updates for fall semester

As announced in the spring, the underlying technology for the MyOHIO Success Network (MOSN) is being replaced.
During the summer, Ohio University piloted the new system, Slate for Current Students, with OHIO Online and the feedback has been positive. OHIO is now extending the system to all success advisors, assistant deans for student services, regional campus student services directors, and a few others this fall semester. Here is what you need to know.
Academic alerts: You may submit feedback regarding any student enrolled in your classes at any time throughout the semester via the Faculty and Advising Center. The feedback you provide will be sent directly to the student and the student’s success advisor will be notified accordingly.
Mid-term progress surveys: You will be asked to provide feedback on your students enrolled in full semester undergraduate classes beginning Wednesday, Oct. 2, and the survey will remain open through Sunday, Oct. 13.
Mid-term progress feedback from you is a critical component of student success, as the feedback provides students with timely insights into their academic performance and enables them to make necessary adjustments to improve their outcomes.
Completing these surveys is easy and fast. The information you provide will go directly to the students and their Success Advisors. Email reminders will be sent to all instructors of record for classes selected for Mid-term Progress Surveys.
Please note, OHIO is expanding the Mid-term Progress Surveys to include undergraduate classes that meet longer than four weeks. Historically, only full semester classes were included and we want to ensure that all of our undergraduates have the opportunity to benefit from faculty feedback regardless of the length of their class. You will be sent an email if your class is being included in the Mid-term Progress Survey. Here are some examples of when the surveys will be sent out:
- Seven week class (8/26/2024 - 10/12/2024) - Pre-announcement emails will be sent in Week 3. The survey will open on Sept. 16, and close on Sept. 22.
- Full semester class (8/26/2024 - 12/14/2024) - Pre-announcement emails will be sent in Week 5, The survey will open on Oct. 2, and close on Oct. 13.
Instructors of record/faculty who are teaching undergraduate classes will receive an email with more detailed information about academic alerts and mid-term progress surveys.
Appointment scheduling: For faculty who choose to use an appointment scheduling tool to enable students to schedule appointments with you, please use Microsoft Bookings. For more information about Bookings, you can refer to this knowledge base article. If you need additional assistance, you can submit an IT Help ticket through that page or by calling the Help Desk at 740-593-1222.
Training was provided for success advisors, OHIO Online advisors, college student services staff, and regional campus student services staff on how to use the new system, Slate for Current Students. The training also covered how to respond to feedback from the New Student Success Survey, Mid-term Progress Survey, Academic Alerts, and No Log In Alerts.
Just-in-time training is also planned to provide more details for each of these processes. Please contact Suraiya Padiyath Abdulla at padiyath@ohio.edu if you need training or have questions. Please submit any feedback regarding the new system at the Feedback Form.
If you have any questions regarding these changes, please send an email to Deb Benton at bentond@ohio.edu.