OHIO's 2024 Goldwater winners: Jayanna Smith

In a rare and unprecedented achievement, all four of Ohio University’s internal nominees for the prestigious Goldwater Scholarship won the award in 2024. The award honors college sophomores and juniors who have excelled in natural sciences, mathematics and engineering. OHIO’s winners Greta Hibbard, Ben Stiadle, Brady Phelps and Jayanna Smith illuminate the success of STEM studies at OHIO and serve as inspiration for new students and alumni alike.
Jayanna Smith is a senior majoring in biological sciences with a minor in public health. Her initial interest in her studies began in 7th grade, when she observed microbes in acid mine drainage through a science fair project. In college, she joined the Carroll lab freshman year and her interest in the subject grew.
Being awarded the Goldwater scholarship was a great experience for Smith.
“It means a lot because I come from a really small town,” Smith says. “Coming to a larger school, I initially found it hard to feel like I belonged here. I struggled with imposter syndrome. Winning the Goldwater gave me confidence.”
Smith shares a bit of advice with younger students.
“I was so scared that I would never figure out a career path. I would tell my younger self to relax and enjoy it a bit while also working hard,” Smith says.
Smith says that she would like to acknowledge Ronan Carroll for mentorship throughout her undergraduate career.