Nominations invited for participation in implementation of Ohio University’s Dynamic Strategy

Faculty, staff and students interested in providing input on the implementation of OHIO’s Dynamic Strategy are invited to nominate themselves or others in the University for inclusion the process.
An Executive Leadership Team has been assigned to each pillar of the Dynamic Strategy – Learn, Discover, Engage, and Work. Those teams will be accountable for the success of each pillar, design activities to advance the strategies and actions in the plan, assign ad hoc work groups responsible for activities as they are defined, and set outcomes and metrics against which we will measure progress. Individuals across the University community have the opportunity to be involved in a number of ways:
- Implementation Advisory Committee – An Advisory Committee will be assembled to meet regularly with the Executive Leadership Teams, provide input and feedback on activities, and hold leadership teams accountable for demonstrating progress against defined metrics. Nominations for the Advisory Committee will be accepted through Friday, Oct. 18.
- Implementation work groups – As activities and initiatives are defined to support the plan, work groups responsible for each activity or initiative will be assembled.
- Input sessions – Pillar leadership teams will assemble stakeholders for input as activities are developed. This input may happen in the form of surveys, focus groups or more informal input sessions.
Members of the University community are invited to join the implementation by completing the questionnaire found on the Dynamic Strategy website.