OHIO approves three policies, posts others for comment

Ohio University recently approved three policies, made updates to several others and posted 12 policies onto a new website where members of the OHIO community can offer their feedback.
Per interim policy 01.001, all members of the University community can now provide feedback on policies that are posted for review on the University Policy Management website. (OHIO login required.)
The policies will be posted for a 30-day comment period. Individuals wishing to offer feedback on are asked to send their comments to policy@ohio.edu and include the name of the policy in the email subject line.
Approved policies
The Executive Staff Policy Committee approved the following policies at its Nov. 15 meeting:
- 01.001: Policy on Policies – This policy was approved for interim use
- 40.015: Educational Benefits for Ohio University Employees - This policy provides for participation in the Ohio University educational benefits program.
- 40.130: Employee Educational Program and Compliance - Ohio University is committed to providing general and specific compliance training so that University employees understand their obligations and responsibilities in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies that regulate higher education institutions.
Policies posted for comments from the OHIO community
The following policies are currently under review:
- 40.007: Public Records Requests - This policy serves to ensure compliance with the Ohio Public Records Act, section 149.43 of the Ohio Revised Code, and to facilitate the public's access to the University's public records.
- 12.022: Student Address and Location- This policy applies to all students enrolled in credit-bearing coursework at Ohio University, regardless of campus, modality, or level.
- 03.007: Guest and Temporary Housing - A limited number of accommodations are available throughout the year for individuals affiliated with Ohio University and groups that are sponsored by departmental units. This policy provides guidelines for guest eligibility and reservation procedures. This policy is not intended for conference or workshop participants.
- 09.900: Issuance of Identification Cards - This policy provides students, faculty, staff and guests with a means of personal identification that can also serve as certification of eligibility for University services.
- 42.001: Mail Service - This policy outlines the approach that Ohio University uses for dealing with the United States mail and the inter-office mail.
- 42.120: Campus Moving Services - This policy establishes guidelines for moving services to ensure that campus moves are conducted so as to be timely, to minimize the risk of damage or destruction of University buildings or property, to reduce the downtime and inconvenience to staff being moved, and to reduce overall University moving expenses.
- 47.003: Drivers of Commercial Motor Vehicles - It is the policy of Ohio University that persons who operate motor vehicles while in the course of University business shall comply fully with all applicable laws and regulations which govern operator certification and licensing.
- 55.071: Disposition of Surplus Property - This policy provides a standard procedure for the disposition of surplus or excess property that complies with applicable laws and insures maximum use of property prior to sale and then maximum income from property at the time of sale.
- 44.117: Flood Preparation - The Hocking River does flood from time to time; therefore it is necessary to establish procedures for monitoring conditions, notification, and implementation of actions to minimize potential damages to property and inconveniences to students, faculty, and staff.
- 40.121: Recruitment and Selection of Faculty and Staff - This policy covers all faculty and staff positions at Ohio University.
- 40.013: Domestic Partner Benefits - This policy provides for the participation of unmarried partners and children of unmarried partners in Ohio University benefits.
- 40.016: Educational Benefits for Employee’s Qualified Dependents - This policy provides for participation in the Ohio University educational benefits program by domestic partners, spouses, and children of benefits eligible employees who are active, on approved leave, retired, on disability retirement, laid-off, or deceased.
To submit a comment on any of these policies, please email policy@ohio.edu and include the name of the policy in the subject line.
Rescinded policy
This policy was rescinded by the ESPC at the Nov. 15 meeting:
- 01.021: Policy Governing Sales/Services Activities by Computing and Learning Services, The Electronics Shop, The Pro Shop, and The Student Art Store - This policy was originally put into place to govern the operation by Ohio University of sales or service activities through various University outlets.
Non-substantive updates to OHIO policies
The ESPC also approved non-substantive updates to the following policies at the Nov. 15 meeting:
- 44.105: Fire Emergencies - This policy is intended to prevent injury, loss of life, and property damage from fire emergencies.
- 40.035: Vacation Leave Donation - Eligible administrative staff and faculty may participate in a vacation leave donation program.
- 55.075: Cell Phone Allowances - This policy establishes the extent to which the University may subsidize, through a cell phone allowance, personally owned cell phones used in the conduct of University business.
- 41.003: Partial-Semi-Month’s Salary for Salaried Administrative Appointments - This policy governs the payment of partial-semi-monthly salaries to those persons with salaried appointments who begin work on a day other than the first working day of the semi-monthly pay period, or terminate their employment on a day other than the last working day of the semi-monthly pay period.
- 40.023: Organ Donation Leave - This policy establishes University policy and procedures for organ donation leave for full-time faculty and staff, pursuant to section 124.139 of the Revised Code.
- 20.109: Employment of Graduate Students Employed on Graduate Associate Contracts – This policy was originally put into place to regularize practice on employment of graduate students on graduate associate contracts.
For more information, see the University Policy website.