Executive Staff Policy Committee approves policies at February meeting

The Ohio University Executive Staff Policy Committee acted on a large number of policy updates at its meeting on Feb. 12.
Policies moved forward for final approval
The following policies were approved by ESPC and President Lori Stewart Gonzalez.
42.001 – Mail Services - This policy outlines Ohio University's process for handling United States mail and inter-office mail.
47.003 – Drivers of Commercial Motor Vehicles- Employees who operate motor vehicles while conducting Ohio University business shall fully comply with all applicable laws and regulations governing operator certification and licensing. Each department or office head is responsible for ensuring their vehicle operations meet state and federal requirements and University standards.
55.071 – Disposition of Surplus Property - This policy establishes the requirement for the disposition of University surplus or excess property in compliance with other applicable University policies and state and federal laws. Surplus disbursement/disposal procedures ensure that University property provides value to the full extent of its worth and that disbursement/disposal is conducted equitably, efficiently, and cost-effective.
03.007 – Faculty, Staff, and Guest Housing Accommodations - A limited number of overnight accommodations are available throughout the year for faculty/staff, individual guests affiliated with Ohio University and groups sponsored by departmental units. This policy provides guidelines for faculty, staff and guest eligibility and reservation procedures. This policy is not applicable for conference or workshop participants.
25.030 – Housing Residency Requirement - The purpose of this policy is to define the cohort of students who are required to reside on campus and those students who are eligible to reside off campus.
24.020 – Use of Templeton-Blackburn Alumni Memorial Auditorium - This policy provides for the consistent allocation of space and time among the various competing uses of Templeton-Blackburn Alumni Memorial Auditorium.
12.022 – Student Address and Location - This policy applies to all students enrolled in credit-bearing coursework at Ohio University, regardless of campus, modality, or level.
40.007 – Public Records Requests - This policy serves to ensure compliance with the Ohio Public Records Act, section 149.43 of the Ohio Revised Code, and to facilitate the public's access to the university's public records.
Approval of Interim Policies
The following interim policies were approved by the ESPC and President Gonzalez.
41.121 – Reimbursement for Official Travel and Entertainment - Section 126.31 of the Revised Code enables employees of the University to be reimbursed for actual and necessary travel and other expenses incurred while attending a gathering, conference or convention or while performing official duties related to University business inside or outside the state of Ohio if authorized by the University. This policy governs the travel of faculty, staff, non-employees and official guests.
41.013 – Reduction in Force for Administrators - Reductions in force may occur at any time during the year and may be based on lack of funds, lack of work, reorganization, changes in institutional priorities, or efficiency. A reduction in force does not include a reduction of an employee's hours worked per week or number of months worked per year that does not result in a change in current benefits eligibility, or participation in the Ohio Shared Work program or future program of similar nature.
44.120 – Animals - This policy describes the limitations relative to animals and animal pets in Ohio University-owned buildings, outside areas, and vehicles.
Extended Interim Policies
These interim polices were extended by ESPC and President Gonzalez.
40.051 – Declaring an Emergency Closure, Early Release, or Delay - This policy provides guidance for declaring an emergency University closing, early release, or delay and establishes guidelines for the compensation of classified and administrative employees during an emergency.
31.001 – External Communications - Ohio University is dedicated to effective communication with its various audiences, including current and prospective students, parents, and families, as well as alumni and friends through whatever practical means are relevant and available.
Approval for Review
ESPC approved the following policies for review.
21.001 – Medical Services - This policy promotes the public health of the academic community, and provides for medical care of students.
24.001 – Alcoholic Beverages on University Property and in Fraternity and Sorority Houses
These policies will be posted on the Policies Under Review webpage for 30 days.
Approved Non-Substantive Updates
23.055 – Chalking - This policy serves to balance individuals' and groups' free speech rights with the university's property rights.
For more information, see the University Policy website.