University Community

OHIO approves five interim policies

The Ohio University Executive Staff Policy Committee and OHIO President Lori Stewart Gonzalez have approved five interim policies.

The following interim policies were formally approved by President Gonzalez on Feb. 26, 2025:

  • 40.001: Nondiscrimination in education and employment - This policy sets forth the expectations and responsibilities for maintaining a safe educational and employment environment free of discrimination, harassment, and intimidation.
  • 40.058: Administrative Compensation - Pay determination decisions should support the University's commitment to a market-based pay approach. This ensures the University's ability to attract and retain the talent needed to support Ohio University's mission and initiatives. University Human Resources manages the pay plans and pay structure to ensure market competitiveness.
  • 40.063: Flexible Work Schedule, Flexible Hours, and Flexplace for Administrators and Classified Employees - As a matter of work-life balance Ohio University provides flexible work schedules, flexible hours, and flexible work location options for administrators and classified employees. Ohio University acknowledges that there are growing demands on staff recruitment and retention, as well as the growing demands on University space and energy requirements. Additionally, the University recognizes that, as a public entity, it is charged with using resources in the most efficient and effective manner.
  • 40.121: Recruitment and Selection of Faculty and Staff - This policy covers all faculty and staff positions at Ohio University.
  • 55.030: Purchasing - The purchasing department is committed to the efficient and economical acquisition of quality external goods and services in support of Ohio University's overall mission. The department does so by providing stakeholders with the knowledge and the tools to leverage the overall purchasing power of the institution, mitigate risk, and reduce the overall cost of goods and services. The University requires purchases from preferred and contracted suppliers.

For more information on these and other Ohio University polices, see the University Policy website.

March 5, 2025
Staff reports