Pittaway to present keynote at CiEECi 2022 in Portugal

Luke Pittaway, Ph.D., O'Bleness Professor of Entrepreneurship at Ohio University, will present “Trends in Entrepreneurship Education” at this summer’s II International Congress of Entrepreneurial Education and Citizenship (CiEECi 2022) in Portugal.
“It is a real honor to be invited to be keynote speaker,” Pittaway said. “The International Congress is a unique European conference as it brings together researchers, teachers, entrepreneurs, and policy makers.”
Pittaway welcomed the opportunity, saying the conference presents a distinctive space to discuss current approaches and consider improvements to the field.
CiEECi 2022 is scheduled for July 7-9 in Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal, and will highlight trends and research in entrepreneurship education, offering a place for debate, the presentation of best practices, and scientific evidence to understand and build the future of entrepreneurship and citizenship. The conference is organized by the Empreende Office (GabEECG), Universidade Aberta of Portugal, in partnership with the Municipality of Vila Nova de Gaia, ISLA Gaia, SEBRAE, and other institutions that aim to promote entrepreneurship.
For more information about CiEECi 2022, visit https://cieeci.com/.