Upcoming programs will help OHIO faculty prepare for the fall semester

The Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (CTLA) and its partners have several offerings designed to support OHIO faculty as they prepare for the first day of the Fall 2023 semester.
Virtual and in-person programs will cover the nuts and bolts of building an accessible syllabus and effective assignments to anticipating the needs of incoming and current students.
Teaching the Disrupted Learner: A Fall 2023 Kickoff, Aug. 22
Teaching the Disrupted Learner: A Fall 2023 Kickoff will take place on Tuesday, Aug. 22, from 9 - 11:30 a.m. in Baker University Center 240/242.
This program is designed for participants to adjust their own instructional practice to accommodate the needs of today's learners, while also supporting their academic success.
More than three years after COVID’s initial disruption of education, its ramifications continue to impact the higher education classroom. Student preparation, engagement skillsets and classroom expectations all differ markedly from what instructors could expect prior to the pandemic. In this workshop, faculty and instructional staff will share what they are experiencing in their classes, while students and student-facing staff will discuss challenges brought by the disruption.
For information and to register please visit this website.
Ramp Up to Instruction, online and in-person sessions in August
Faculty have reported finding the Ramp Up to Instruction sessions especially valuable, as they provide time and space to review the courses the faculty members will be teaching and to consider valuable adjustments or refinements to course and instructional design. During the two-hour sessions, participants:
- Engage in facilitated work to refine course goals and outcomes.
- Check for alignment of course activities, assignments, and assessments.
- Review course content from both a disciplinary perspective and through the lenses of inclusion and accessibility.
- Check course syllabi for required and recommended components.
- Identify various department and offices available to provide assistance on a number of teaching and learning topics.
The workshop will be offered virtually and in-person.
The online session will be held on Thursday, Aug. 17, from 1-3 p.m. on Teams. To register for this session, please visit this website.
The in-person session will be held on Thursday, Aug. 24, from 9-11 a.m., in the CTLA Collaboratory, McGuffey Hall First Floor. To register for this session, please visit this website.
These offerings are open to all faculty and staff. For more information, contact the CTLA.