Upcoming workshop will focus on prepping courses for the first day of classes

The Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment CTLA) invites all OHIO instructors to spend two hours in a structured workshop to prep their courses for the first day of class. "Ramp Up to Instruction: A Workshop to (Re)consider Fall 2023 Courses," will be offered both online and in-person.
This workshop will provide OHIO faculty with the time and space to review the courses they are teaching this fall semester and consider valuable adjustments or refinements to course and instructional design. Participants will join CTLA and collaborator staff for a structured work session to prepare for the first day of classes. Participants should bring to the session course syllabi, calendars and assignment/activity descriptions to work on or refine.
The workshop will be offered both in-person and online.
During and following this workshop, participants will:
- Consider eight criteria for conceptualizing and operationalizing teaching excellence and how these criteria are evidenced in their own courses and instructional practices.
- Review and refine course goals and outcomes.
- Check for alignment of course activities, assignments and assessments with learning outcomes.
- Review course content from both a disciplinary perspective and through the lenses of inclusion and accessibility.
- Review current instructional strategies and grading practices for effectiveness and efficiency.
- Check their course syllabi for required and recommended components.
- Evaluate their learning management system course for support of student learning.
- Identify departments and offices available to support their instruction and student learning.
The online workshop will be held on Thursday, Aug. 17, from 1 to 3 p.m. Faculty can register for the workshop at this website.
The in-person workshop will be held on Thursday, Aug. 24, from 9 to 11 a.m., in the CTLA Collaboratory, McGuffey Hall First Floor. Faculty are invited to register for the workshop at this website.