Science Café kicks off Sept. 13 with 'Groundbreaking Research: X-Raying Just One Atom'

The fall 2023 lineup for Ohio University’s Science Café series kicks off with Dr. Saw Wai Hla discussing "Groundbreaking Research: X-Raying Just One Atom” on Wednesday, Sept. 13, at 5 p.m. in the Baker University Center Front Room and via YouTube.
Hla will present the history of X-rays and their various applications, from astronomy to medical diagnosis. He will then discuss his team’s groundbreaking result of X-raying just one atom, and its potential impact on future medical, environmental and quantum technologies.
Hla is the director of the Nanoscale and Quantum Phenomena Institute and a professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy in the College of Arts and Sciences. Hla has a dual appointment as a physicist in Argonne National Laboratory, which is a laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy in the Chicago area.
This is the 15th anniversary of the Science Café series, and to celebrate the Ohio University Sigma Xi chapter will be hosting ice cream at 4:30 p.m. Free coffee coupons also will be provided for the first 50 people.
“We are grateful to the University and larger community for their support of the café series over the past 15 years. And, we are very excited to return to the Baker Center Front Room,” said Roxanne Male’-Brune, co-founder of the Science Café series with Dr. Sarah Wyatt, professor of environmental and plant biology.
Watch the Sept. 13 Science Café live or later on YouTube.
For more information, contact Roxanne Malé-Brune at male-bru@ohio.edu.
The series is supported by the Ohio University Research Division and Ohio University Chapter of Sigma Xi. For more information, visit the Science Café website.
Fall 2023 Science Cafés
Wednesday, Sept. 13: Saw Wai Hla, Physics and Astronomy, "Groundbreaking Research: X-Raying Just One Atom"
Wednesday, Oct. 11: Ryan Fogt, Geography, “Recent Extreme Antarctic Sea Ice Decline in a 20th Century Historical Context”
Wednesday, Nov. 15: Seo Hee-Jong, Physics and Astronomy, “The Expanding Universe and the Cosmic Sound Waves”
Wednesday, Dec. 6: Dominik Mischkowski & Brett Peters, Psychology, "Romantic Relationships, Stress, and Physical Pain: The Role of Responsiveness, Empathy, and Pain Perception”