Call for papers for the fourth Global Arts Symposium at Ohio University

The College of Fine Arts and partnering departments across Ohio University invite creative researchers, teachers and practitioners in the arts to address the theme of “Performing and Visualizing the Arts: A Global and Interdisciplinary Perspective,” as part of the fourth Global Arts Symposium, held April 4-5, 2024, at Ohio University’s Athens campus.
This year’s keynote speaker is Dr. Kofi Agawu, Distinguished Professor at The Graduate Center, City University of New York, who will be speaking about “Interdisciplinary and New Perspectives in Performing and Visualizing the Arts: Theory, Practice, and Research.” Agawu is a Ghanaian musicologist and music theorist who has taught at Princeton University, Yale University, Cornell University, King's College London, Duke University, Haverford College, and the University of Oxford. His books include “Playing with signs: a semiotic interpretation of classical music” and more recently “The African Imagination in Music,” among others.
Past keynote lectures have featured seminal composer, Dr. Mark Phillips in 2023 and Ben Dotsei Malor, international affairs editor and broadcaster with experience serving the United Nations in 2022.
The fourth Global Arts Symposium aims to create a forum for musicians, composers, dancers, choreographers, dance therapists, actors, playwrights and directors, visual artists, educators, teachers, and scholars to discuss new perspectives on Performing and Visual Arts from various viewpoints. The goal is to stimulate interest in exploring multiple ways of theorizing, analyzing, performing, teaching, and researching global performing and visual arts through an interdisciplinary lens.
The event directors are interested in new theories, teaching pedagogies, curricula development, interdisciplinary approaches, research methodologies and analytic techniques, and intersections with other disciplines. Presentations may include individual papers, panels, workshops, performances, lecture demonstrations, and other original forms of representation. We will also consider papers and presentations on performing and visual arts that fall outside the symposium's themes.
The symposium is accepting submissions on a rolling basis through Jan. 31, 2024. Find the full call for paper details here.
Those with questions can contact symposium co-director Paschal Younge at youngep@ohio.edu.