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Ohio University Southern to host media competition for regional high school students

For the 22nd year, Ohio University Southern (opens in a new window) will host a media competition (opens in a new window) to recognize excellence in the creation of high school video, audio and multimedia projects. OHIO Southern’s electronic media program (opens in a new window), which educates students in video production, audio production and interactive design, hosts the event each year.

“We like to recognize student work in a public venue where their peers can see – and maybe even get inspired from – the work they create,” said Ernie Hall, electronic media production assistant at OHIO Southern.

Students in grades 9-12 from across the university’s tri-state service area are invited to participate, and the award categories range from animation to podcasting, news stories to digital photography.

“The EMPixx competition (opens in a new window) highlights area schools that have media programs, giving them an opportunity to showcase their excellent student work,” said Brian Corea, director of the University’s electronic media program.

Local media professionals will judge the entries, which are submitted by the schools. Judges will use a standardized form to critique the projects, based on criteria used by other media competitions. Hall indicated that this is important to prepare the students to enter high-level competitions, such as the Emmys or Associated Press awards.

“Many of these categories have specific entry requirements, to make it even across the board. Everybody has to take those elements and figure out how to combine them into a production,” said Corea. “Whether it’s a commercial or entertainment, they can show their creativity. But there’s an even measuring stick so that everybody’s on the same playing field using the same tools.”

Corea said the competition is a great starting point for students who are interested in a future in the media industry.

“I think it encourages them to not be afraid to put their work out there. If they get into media work, everything they do will be critiqued,” he said. “I think that means something to them too, to get feedback and see what other industry professionals think about what they did. It starts them on the path.” Hall added that a critique can be valuable.

“You’re getting some type of benefit just by entering. You will see, ‘This is where my work is, this is where I need to grow,’” said Hall.

Hall stressed that all students may submit entries through their schools.

“Even if you’re not in a media class, find an instructor at your local school to help you submit. Some people have natural talent and can tell a story without formal training,” he said.

The most important part of the process is having fun, said Hall.

“I joined media to have fun. I think telling stories is fun. I think being creative in the way you tell stories is fun. I want the students to enjoy both the creation process and the final product," said Hall.

Entries are being accepted at (opens in a new window) through March 31, and winners will be announced at the awards ceremony on April 21, at OHIO Southern.

For more information, email Brian Corea or reach him by phone at 740-533-4575.

November 2, 2023
Staff reports