Appalachian Ohio State of the Region Conference to focus on revitalization, housing, workforce, funding

The 12th Annual Appalachian Ohio State of the Region Conference will spotlight several key areas impacting rural communities, including downtown revitalization, affordable housing, workforce development, and finding funding for these initiatives.
This year’s event will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 14, at the Baker University Center Ballroom on Ohio University’s Athens Campus. The conference brings together regional public officials, economic development experts, business leaders, and other stakeholders from throughout Appalachian Ohio to explore strategies for economic growth and community development, with an emphasis on the unique needs of rural residents. Support is provided by the Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Service along with the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration (EDA).
“Regional partnerships are foundational to the Voinovich School,” Voinovich School Dean Tracy Plouck says. “We work to support the goals of organizations that are building capacity in southeast Ohio and beyond. Events such as the State of the Region Conference – offered in concert with our partners – help to provide information regarding current progress and future opportunities for collaboration.”
One of the featured moderators, Vicki King-Maple, the executive director of the Ohio Mid-Eastern Governments Association (OMEGA), further elaborates on the State of the Region’s contribution to community partnership.
“OMEGA is honored to participate in and contribute to this insightful event,” King-Maple said. “The State of the Region offers an invaluable perspective on economic development in Appalachia and serves as a phenomenal opportunity for collaboration between key partners and organizations."
For those interested in attending this year's conference and for more detailed information about the conference schedule, visit https://www.ohio.edu/voinovich-school/projects/appalachian-ohio-state-region-conference