Conference on Diversity and Inclusion accepting workshop proposals

The 10th annual Tri-State Conference on Diversity and Inclusion is now accepting workshop proposals. The 2024 conference theme is "A Call to Action: Navigating Higher Education."
The 2024 conference will be held at Shawnee State University in Portsmouth on Sept. 19. This year’s keynote speaker is Tonjie Reese, the founder and executive director of eleven24, which is an organization committed to preventing interpersonal violence by providing youth education and capacity building for adults.
“This conference is an incredible opportunity for students from our area colleges and universities to explore timely – and sometimes challenging – conversations about diversity and inclusion,” said Robert Pleasant, conference committee member and director of student services at Ohio University Southern. “Our work is no longer just about raising awareness. Instead, conference sessions provide participants with the tools to make a meaningful impact in their classrooms, workplaces, and beyond.”
The call for proposals will remain open until all sessions are filled. Early submissions will have an improved chance of acceptance. For more information, please visit tristatediversityandinclusion.com/callforproposal or contact Pleasant at pleasanr@ohio.edu.
This annual conference is presented by Ohio University Southern, Marshall University, Marshall University School of Medicine, Ashland Community & Technical College, Morehead State University, Mountwest Community & Technical College, Shawnee State University, and University of Rio Grande.