Scripps interns earn accolades, experience at U.S. Army Cadet Command Public Affairs Office

Three students studying in the Ohio University Scripps College of Communication have been awarded challenge coins for their work as interns in the U.S. Army Cadet Command Public Affairs Office while covering Cadet Summer Training this summer in Fort Knox, Kentucky.
As part of the internship program, photojournalism major Ayiana Andrella and media arts production majors Cassidy Disantis and Nate Gardner, along with 17 interns from 11 other colleges and universities, are telling the stories of approximately 8,000 Cadets training over the span of 100 days at the Army base through photography, videography and social media.
“These students are helping us to achieve a 99.1% positive sentiment rating on our social media channels, which is basically unheard of, in any industry,” said Deputy Public Affairs Officer Richard T. Patterson. “The three interns from Ohio University have consistently ranked in our weekly contests for top video, article, photo or social media post.”
Andrella, who recently received a challenge coin commemorating her second Top Photo of the Week win from Major General Antonio Munera, the Commanding General of the Cadet Command, says she won the honor of Top Photo four weeks in a row and also won Top Article of the Week. This internship has helped her to identify a career goal: she now wants to be a conflict photographer.
“This internship has really expanded my skills in photography, videography, and interviewing,” Andrella said. “This experience has boosted by confidence and excitement for the future, and I’ve made some great friends and connections along the way. I’ve really enjoyed gaining real-world experience, allowing me to explore my art and experiment with new techniques without the pressure of grades.”
Disantis and Gardner both received challenge coins from Brig. General Steven King on Thursday, July 10. Disantis says the internship has truly been “boots on the ground” and allowed her to learn how to create content and experience things she never would have experienced otherwise.
"As a PAO we aren’t just stuck in an office as someone’s assistant,” Disantis said. “We actually go out into the field, covering and producing content on all these training events ourselves. When the Cadets donned their gas masks for the CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear) chamber, completed a mission in field training, or practiced their hand grenade skills, I was right there with them. There are so many opportunities to learn different skills if you take the initiative with professionals excited to teach you.”
Fellow intern Nate Gardner agrees, "I'm extremely grateful for the opportunity to sharpen my broadcast and social media skills in such an impactful way.”
The Ohio University interns have been a part of the team creating content for multiple social media channels that have so far garnered more than 21.5 million views.
Public Affairs Plan Officer Tim Raymond supervises the students in his role as the Cadet Summer Training Deputy PAO. He says this internship program is what convinced him to move more than 900 miles from Houston, Texas, in November 2021.
“I accepted this job because of the internship,” Raymond said. “The interns amaze me every summer. They all arrive with skills in many areas yet perhaps not every aspect of a multimedia journalist. They transform over the summer, improve skills they had, develop skills they never thought they would learn, and emerge with a newfound confidence and ability to take on any job in this industry.”
As part of the program, interns receive housing, per diem and travel reimbursement. According to Disantis, they receive a lot more than that.
“I was very nervous coming into it, but they put a lot of faith in me,” she said. “I’m very grateful because that motivated me work harder and learn something new for each assignment to prove them right. When I come back to Ohio University, it will be with a new drive and professional mindset.”
Representatives will be on campus this fall to recruit for the 2025 cycle. See the work of the 2024 Cadet Summer Training Public Affairs Office interns.
Disclaimer: It is not the intent of Ohio University to imply an endorsement by any service branch of the U.S. Armed Forces.