Nominations now being accepted for Ohio University teaching awards

Nominations are now being accepted for several Ohio University teaching awards. These awards recognize outstanding instructors who prioritize and support the success of students inside and outside the classroom.
The award process begins each year in the fall semester with open nominations, then proceeds with nominee applications, finalist selections and teaching observations, and interviews with selection committees.
The teaching award selection committees include past award winners, as well as graduate and undergraduate student representatives.
- Presidential Teacher Award recipients are chosen from among tenured full-time faculty.
- The Provost's Award for Excellence in Teaching recognizes full-time, instructional, non-tenure track faculty.
- Any undergraduate student may nominate full-time tenure-track, instructional or clinical faculty for the University Professor Award.
- This is the second year for the Rising Star Teacher Award, which recognizes tenure-track but non-tenured assistant or associate professors.
Nominations are due by Oct. 15. Process and award information are available on the Provost's Office website. Teaching awards processes are coordinated through the Center for Teaching, Learning and Assessment (CTLA). For more information, contact Vice Provost for Faculty Development Katie Hartman or CTLA Executive Director Melinda Rhodes-DiSalvo.