Watch for a survey in your inbox: Ohio University 5-year brand health audit underway

Ohio University has partnered with Campos, a market research firm, to refresh its brand awareness and affinity study last conducted in fall of 2019. As part of that research project, faculty, staff, students and alumni may receive an invitation from Campos to share their perspectives about Ohio University via a brief online survey.
“The results of the 2019 research informed the development of the Forever OHIO brand platform and other strategies intended to tell our University story and elevate perceptions of the Ohio University brand,” said Vice President for University Communications and Marketing Robin Oliver. “The timing is right to refresh that research and understand how the work we have done together over the last several years may have shifted marketplace perceptions of OHIO.”
In addition to surveying prospective students and parents, the research will ask for insights from our current students, alumni, faculty and staff. Surveys will be distributed between now and mid-December. Please take the time to complete the survey if you receive it; the email will come from “Campos on behalf of Ohio University,” and the sender email will be research@campos.com. Be sure you check your Promotions tab if you do not see the message in your inbox.
By completing the survey, you’ll have a chance to win one of ten $50 gift cards. When the survey closes, winners will be randomly selected and contacted directly by Campos with gift card information.