Stories tagged with: Green Scenes

OHIO making headlines

March 9, 2022 Bobcats make the news—and the OHIO community proud—every day. Read about a few of the Ohio University alumni, students, faculty and staff who have made headlines in recent months.

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In Word and Deed

October 13, 2021 Alumni volunteers lend their voices and a personal touch to help recruit future Bobcats

In this moment

October 9, 2021 In this moment it's not just about what we need to do, but who we need to become.

The regional route to success

September 24, 2021 A three-time Ohio University graduate, Stacy Cesa Schindler’s college experience traversed OHIO campuses, online programs and her career.

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Laying a new foundation for an OHIO education

September 24, 2021 Gen ed system shifts from ‘tiers’ to ‘bricks’

Time Machine:25 Years of the Ping Center

September 24, 2021 It’s no coincidence that Ohio University’s hub for on-campus student activity is named the Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center—a tribute to a visionary leader and the students, past, present and future, for and because of whom it exists.

Bobcats in the wild

September 23, 2021 We all know Rufus the mascot Bobcat, but how much do you know about the actual animal known as the bobcat?

OHIO making headlines

September 23, 2021 Bobcats make the news—and the OHIO community proud—every day. Read about a few of the Ohio University alumni, students, faculty and staff who have made headlines in recent months.

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Leaving the field a legend

September 12, 2021 After 16 years, Ohio Football’s head coach passes the pigskin on the program he rebuilt.

A first for first-year Bobcats

April 2, 2021 On May 1, Rhianna Hunt will graduate from Ohio University—the pinnacle moment in a four-year journey that, the senior biology major admits, started a little rough.

An enduring legacy

April 1, 2021 When African American artist and MacArthur “Genius” Fellow Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson passed away in 2015, she bequeathed her entire estate—including countless works of art, the contents of her Columbus home and studio, even the house itself—to the Columbus Museum of Art (CMA). Here’s a glimpse into the long-awaited exhibition and catalog, which together reveal Robinson’s artistic range and generosity.

Campus, community health heroes

April 1, 2021 Weston Robbins, a senior nursing student at Ohio University Zanesville, shared this message with the campus’ Facebook followers in October: “I want to protect my community from this pandemic, and that’s why I wear my mask.”

OHIO making headlines

April 1, 2021 Bobcats make the news—and the OHIO community proud—every day. Read about a few of the Ohio University alumni, students, faculty and staff who have made headlines in recent months.

Grounds for change

April 1, 2021 Whether your last visit to the Athens Campus was one year ago or decades ago, you’re bound to notice some change. The past year has seen significant transformations—some quite prominent and others a little more behind the scenes.

Take a look at some of the campus upgrades completed in recent months, and stay tuned to future issues of Ohio Today for features on the new Chemistry Building and Heritage Hall that are opening to students this year.

Donald Pollock: From Knockemstiff to Netflix

March 30, 2021 Growing up in 1960s rural Ohio, Donald R. Pollock II, AB ’94, never planned to pursue college—let alone pen prize-winning fiction. A high school dropout, Pollock wasn’t big on plans.

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