Stories tagged with: Veterans

Landing Zone summer

Veterans and Military Student Services Center to host summer Landing Zone training for faculty and staff

The Ohio University Veterans and Military Students Faculty/Staff Awareness-Training Program, known as “Landing Zone”, is being offered this summer via Microsoft Teams. Register now.

veterans project medvac pilot

Faculty documentary created to improve veterans' healthcare to be screened on Veterans Day at Athena Cinema

The Athena Cinema will host a free public screening of “The Veterans’ Project,” at 1 p.m. Monday, Nov. 11. The award-winning documentary takes an in-depth look at U.S. veterans health care issues.

Athena Cinema

Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine to host screening of 'The Veterans' Project' on Veterans Day

The Veterans’ Project is a feature-length documentary that highlights the challenges many combat and service-wounded veterans face when seeking health care.


University employee collects more than 2,000 socks to give to community members

Jessica Barton, committee member and records management specialist in the Registrar’s Office, had an idea to collect socks for a cause. She called her idea Socktember and got to work.

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Veterans and Military Student Services Center to host Landing Zone training for faculty and staff

The Veterans and Military Student Services Center at Ohio University encourages the campus community to show support for veterans by attending its third-year facul...

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OHIO to Host National Remembering Our Fallen Tribute Towers Exhibit honoring post-9/11 Fallen from The War on Terror

Aug 27, 2019 From staff reports Since our founding over 215 years ago, Ohio University has been committed to providing service members, veterans and their families with a collaborative, supportiv...

Showing 31 to 36 of 36 entries