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Dr. Jeff Russell is set to speak in a webinar through the Boston University Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) Research Center on Wednesday, Jan. 25, at 1 p.m.
The 2023 Spring Literary Festival is set for March 29-30 on the Athens Campus, featuring features authors Barrie Jean Borich, Denise Duhamel, and Megan Giddings.
This fall, 13 OHIO seniors will present new, original dance works in the Fall Dance Concert, Nov 18-20, in Putnam Hall.
New vocal wellness program hosts guest lecture by Ingo Titze, an internationally recognized expert in voice science, on Oct. 27.
Ohio University will co-host a Community Health Workers conference on Saturday, Oct. 22, 2022, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the OHIO Dublin Campus.
The Quarter After Eight literary journal kicks off a Fall 2022 reading series featuring Ohio University's creative writing English graduate students and QAE staff reading their stories, essays, and poems on Oct. 26.
In preparation for Ohio University’s Capture the Flag (CTF) competition, computer science students Josh Marusek and Alex Williams attended the Major League Hacking’s Hackcon X conference on August 26-28, 2022.
Ohio University's Science Café presents Lynn Harter exploring "The Poetics and Politics of Storytelling" on Wednesday, Nov. 2.
Community members are invited to join visiting dance artist Suttlar Martin for a “Creating Inclusivity through Global Traditions” event on Friday, October 7.
Biological Sciences seniors say working in faculty labs results in exciting research, lasting friendships, and critical experience for future careers.
The Geography Department Professional Speaker Series welcomes Justin Goodwin, transportation planning manager of the City of Columbus Department of Public Service.
Science Café features Viorel Popescu discussing "The Secret Lives of the #RealBobcatsofOhio" at 5 p.m. on Oct. 5 at the Baker Center Theater and via YouTube.
Students and teachers of dance are invited to join the Ohio University School of Dance faculty and current students for Dance Studio Day on Saturday, November 5.
Visit major museums, Shakespeare's Globe Theater, the London Eye ferris wheel, and more! Deadline to apply for the winter Exploring Art in London program is early October.
OHIO alumnus Casey Galligan will discuss “The Clean Water Act: An Overview of One Ambitious Environmental Law’s Attempts to Preserve and Improve Our Nation’s Surface Waters.”