29 students receive Provost Undergraduate Research Fund awards

The Ohio University Provost Undergraduate Research Fund (PURF) award program provided 29 students with a total of $40,446 in funding for their original research, scholarship and creative work this fall.
The Provost Undergraduate Research Fund awards are administered by OHIO's Research Division. Students may request up to $1,500 per proposal.
PURF Recipients
Alexander Acker (Biological Sciences; mentor: Patrick O'Connor) received $1,500 for Hind Limb Anatomy in Ceratosauria: Insight from an Exquisitely Preserved Foot of Majungasaurus.
John Altom (Chemistry and Biochemistry; mentor: Soichi Tanda) received $1,500 for Characterization of Effects of Complete or Partial Loss of CLIC5 and MYO6 on Hearing.
Delaney Brander (Teacher Education; mentor: Michael Hess) received $1,500 for Perceptions of 9-20 Educators Surrounding Legislation Regulating the Teaching of Critical race Theories in Ohio Schools.
Ashlynn Canode (Biological Sciences; mentor: Viorel Popescu) received $1,500 for Assessing the Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Ohio's Recovering Bobcat (Lynk rufus) Population.
Milo Cervelli (Art + Design; mentor: Cassidy Brauner) received $1,000 for Title Pending.
Marlee Chute (Art + Design; mentor: Karla Hackenmiller) received $732 for The Bones Beneath the Ocean.
Riley Corrigan (Honors Tutorial College (HTC), Applied Health Sciences and Wellness; mentors: Cheryl Howe and Joseph Bianco) received $1,500 for The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on Cellular Health.
Brenna Daugherty (HTC, School of Art + Design; mentor: Schockley Traub) received $1,110 for Mountain Girl.
Maya Djalali-Gomez (HTC, Translational Health; mentor: Edward List) received $1,500 for The Effects of Experimental Variant of GH on Xenobiotic Metabolizing Enzymes.
Cora Farra (Sociology and Anthropology; mentor: Benjamin Bates) received $1,500 for Representing "Quality Education" in Rural Ecuador.
Donovan Hale (Art + Design; mentor: David Lapalombara) received $1,422 for Wanderer.
Rachel Hall (HTC, Art + Design; mentor: John Sabraw) received $1,495 for Opium of the Masses.
Kara Lacy (Media Arts and Studies; mentor: John Bowditch) received $1,500 for Havenroot Vale.
Leo Lizarraga (Art + Design: mentor; David Lapalombara) received $1,356 for Here Before.
Tristan Luken (Art + Design; mentor: Melissa Haviland) received $1,497 for Stories From the Armchair.
Sean Martin (Biological Sciences; mentor: Karen Coschigano) received $1,500 for Detection of Influenza A & B in Residential Wastewater.
Andrea Matthews (Art + Design; mentor: Melissa Haviland) received $1,496 for Insular Illuminate Manuscripts and Contemporary Illustration.
Liam McSteen (HTC, Art + Design; mentor: Jennie Klein) received $1,500 for Material.
Christian Otero (Art + Design; mentor: John Sabraw) received $1,471 for Crestfallen.
Avery Richardson (HTC, Art History; mentor: Jennie Klein) received $1,500 for Michaelangelo: Redefining the Pieta.
Emily Rogers (Art + Design; mentor: John Sabraw) received $846 for Chronically Online.
Reagan Settle (Art + Design; mentor: John Sabraw) received $1,224 for Everything is Pointless!!!!!
Lauren Slanker (Psychology; mentor: Kelly Broughton) received $1,500 for Inclusive Study Spaces.
Carrie Summerford (Art + Design; mentor: Brad Schwieger) received $1,489 for Made of Mud.
Nicholas Sze (HTC, Biological Sciences; mentor: Patrick O'Connor) received $1,425 for Characterizing Bone Growth and Pneumaticity Development in Birds: Insights from the Turkey.
Jacob Thompson (HTC, Biological Sciences; mentor: Nathan Weyand) received $1,500 for Monkeying Around with Colony Morphologies and Biofilms.
Joe Timmerman (Visual Communication; mentors: Sue Morrow and Stan Alost) received $1,384 for Mammoth Cave.
Ryan Ward (HTC, Biological Sciences; mentor: Xiaozhuo Chen) received $1,500 for Extracellular ATP-Induced and regulated Senescence in Human Lung Cancer Cells.
Riley Eileen Zielinski (HTC, Biological Sciences; mentor: Ronan Carroll) received $1,500 for Exploring the Class of Cell Death Induced by Pathogen Derived RNA.