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The Kiplinger Program in Public Affairs Journalism at Ohio University will embark on a new avenue of education for its annual fellowship when it hosts its new class in April 2022.
Ohio University associate professor David J. Nguyen, Ph.D., will be the Fall 2021 Commencement speaker, the University announced.
The following information was shared by University Registrar Debra Benton regarding Fall 2021-2022 final grades and examinations.
Healthy OHIO is an employee well-being program managed by WellWorks that offers a number of wellness programs – such as the free biometric health screenings.
Ohio University Lancaster is celebrating its milestone 65th anniversary throughout the 2021-22 academic year with a variety of activities.
The Ohio University Campus Involvement Center (CIC) will host three free events in the coming weeks as part of its How To Series.
The Patton College has implemented a new Diversity and Inclusion Committee that comprises membership and the vision previously addressed by three Patton College committees.
Scott Quad was built in 1937 and has served myriad purposes over the past 84 years.
The Scripps College of Communication is offering a new course focused on music marketing and the operational strategies of record labels and distribution outlets this coming spring semester.
The American Physical Society awarded Dr. Prakash the 2022 Hans A. Bethe Prize, the most prestigious prize in the field of nuclear astrophysics, for his research about neutron stars and black holes.
The Menard Family George Washington Forum presents Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford University Medical School discussing "COVID-19: Vaccines, Focused Protection and Public Policy" on Tuesday, Oct. 26.
OHIO psychologist in Counseling and Psychological Services Dr. Kristyn Neckles received the 2021 Transforming Care Award from the Equitas Health Institute in the Social Service Provider category.
Ohio University has become an affiliate of the Bee Campus USA program, designed to marshal the strengths of educational campuses for the benefit of pollinators.
Scripps PRSSA was recognized as the gold standard of all PRSSA chapters by being awarded the 2021 Dr. F.H. Teahan Award for Outstanding Chapter during the 2021 PRSSA Virtual International Conference.
Students looking for courses offered by the Classics and Religious Studies Department this spring will need to look for a new course prefix on the course schedule.